Specialty: Head & Neck Imaging

Radiologists: Dr Osama Abulaban

haniThe head and neck are particularly sensitive parts of the body, which can at times be difficult to ‘read’. Sometimes considered part of Neuroradiology, Head and Neck radiology is an increasingly independent discipline which focuses on the scanning and diagnosis of problems in the head and neck – whether muscular, skeletal, or otherwise.

At Heartlands, Good Hope & Solihull Hospitals our Head and Neck specialists are part of a dedicated team enthusiastic and knowledgeable about their chosen area. We make full use of the comprehensive range of modalities available at UHB, and operate on all three hospital sites.

A number of conditions may require head and neck imaging, particularly those related to the Ear, Nose and Throat [ENT]. We are able to provide expert imaging services in these areas, providing a complete radiological service.

For more information, please see the British Society of Head & Neck Imaging – which exists to champion and represent head and neck radiologists across the country.