Will you join the ‘What matters to you?’ conversation?
‘What matters to you?’ day is all about encouraging more meaningful conversations between people.
To help you get the best possible outcome, we need to understand the things that are really important to you. This could be something very specific of something more general. Here are some examples of the types of things people have talked about:
“It’s really important that my granddaughter is involved in discussions about my support. She is the main person in my life!”
“I can’t focus on my work when I get to school because I’m so hungry.”
There is no wrong answer to this question – it’s all about what matters to you.
We encourage you to share what matters to you with your care or support professional. And although they may not always manage to address everything that you share, it is important for you to have the conversation so that they can help you as much as possible.
imaging event
The imaging departments at Heartlands, Good Hope and Solihull hospitals took part to find out what patients and their carers thought of their visits to each department. Patients were encouraged to complete a postcard which was then attached to a visible feedback poster. Posters advertising and explaining the event were displayed in Urdu, Polish, Arabic and English.
The response from patients was very positive and a lot of feedback was received. Consultant Radiographer, Louise Small, said
Visits to X-ray form part of many patient journeys so imaging is well placed to interact with many patient pathways.